Politis Group, with a vision of a society without discrimination and after the creation of «PRIDENETWORK», the first 360o media aimed at a holistic approach to the uniqueness of each person, had the pleasure to host in the studios of PRIDE 98.6 and PRIDE PODCAST, the Vice President of the European Parliament and co-chair of the LGBTI Intergroup, Mr. Marc Antoine Camille Angel, on Thursday 9 March 2023.
PRIDE NETWORK partner, Ms. Daphne Karavokiri, hosted Mr. Marc Antoine Camille Angel on her podcast «I Don’t Know What To Do», discussing issues of visibility and inclusion. They talked about transparency issues in the European Union as well as future actions planned by the European Union. They also touched on issues of police violence that we have seen from time to time taking place in several countries against people who are either part of the LGBTQIA+ community or not, as well as issues of visibility in the trans community. Finally, they also mentioned media in general, and especially PRIDE 98.6, since it is the first Inclusive radio station in Greece, embracing everybody.
For the first time, Mr. Marc Antoine Camille spoke to a Greek media and that was none other than PRIDE NETWORK.