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“Sfera 102.2 shares smiles with children again this year”


This Christmas for one more time, Sfera shares smiles with children withthe Music of Love!

For the entire month of December, Sfera 102.2 and Urban Rail Transportare supporting the Smile of the Child and raising money for the children

affected by the floods in Thessaly.On the occasion of the above, on Thursday 14th December from 07:00 to21:00, Sfera's radio studio will move to the heart of Athens, at Syntagmametro station. For the whole day our favourite producers will broadcast their shows live, in

a day full of music and many surprises. As soon as the clocks show 19:00,a favorite surprise artist will transform into a musician of love and sing forall those children who need us by their side more than ever!We are waiting for you all at Syntagma Metro to join forces andand raise as much money as we can!

This holiday season we become the reason why a child will smile!