Message from the Chief Executive Officer
At Politis Group we believe that nothing motivates development like people do. Our needs determine the development and growth of trade, information, entertainment, and the State itself. Today, with everything in flux, Politis Group seeks to play a leading role in everything we as people consider important for improving our lives.
In the age of digital transformation, we are keeping abreast of developments and always strive to stay one step ahead. We are investing in technology and innovation, not just to make history, but to improve the conditions under which millions of Greeks work, receive information, travel, have fun, and live their lives in their city. We want to be better so that, true to our principles, we can contribute in our own way to every aspect of modern Greek society.
We are supporting the economy by investing in strategic sectors that improve the country. We are offering jobs to people with talent, determination, and a passion to make a difference. We are honouring our partnerships that, thanks to their trust, today we are holding a leading position in the marketplace.
We are not resting on our laurels. We are continuing our path towards the future with respect for the environment because development means looking after the place you call home. At Politis Group, all activities and all our new ventures are focused on sustainable development.